Crediton Complementary Health Centre
Tanners' Yard
100 High Street
EX17 3LF
01363 774175
Arrangements during ‘Covid 19’
As of 6th July 2020, we are open by appointment only, although our capacity is reduced due to measures to ensure our staff and patients' safety.
I anticipate the first two weeks to be primarily catching up with those still in acute need then settling into our new routine thereafter.
Chris Bury will be working Mondays and Fridays in Crediton and Tuesdays and Thursdays in Exeter (afternoon only for the first few weeks on Thursdays).
Louis Bartlett will be working in Crediton on Tuesdays, Wednesday afternoons and Thursdays and in Exeter on Wednesday mornings and Friday afternoons.
Our capacity will be reduced due to the hygiene, ventilation and PPE measures we have to take plus new and adjusted procedures and admin. Appointments will therefore be booked hourly.
If you wish to book an appointment please leave a message on the practice answerphone AT CREDITON (01363 774175) or email the practice and Carol, Louis or Chris will return your call.
We will need to speak with or email you prior to your appointment for admin and screening purposes.